Do you eat healthily?

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Do you eat healthily? Do you strive to fill your body with good food so it can properly function? For example, a delicious, healthy and protein filled salad is much more beneficial for your body than a quarter pounder, nuggets, fries, and a diet coke. Know what you put in your body and what it does for it!

We don't often think about what our food does for us. We should really think about it! Having a better diet can really benefit you. Okay, I hope you enjoy my quiz :)

Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. Is the majority of what you eat pre-made? (For example: Frozen pizzas, burritos, Kraft mac n' cheese, etc)
  2. Do you focus more on taste then what your food does for your body?
  3. Do you prefer water or a flavorful beverage? (Be honest)
  4. Would you rather go out to eat or eat something you made yourself?
  5. Are you picky about what you eat?
  6. How often would you say you eat desert?
  7. How often do you skip meals?
  8. Do you stop eating when you feel full?
  9. Do you have veggies every day?
  10. Do you stay well hydrated throughout the day?
  11. DRINK WATER!!!

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Quiz topic: Do I eat healthily?
