What Type Of Spy Would You Be

You have what it takes to be a spy...But what kind? Are you the leader, The brains, Or the muscles? Take a simple test to determine your inner spy...If you dare!

Are you the type to pre-plan? Are you laid back and easy going? If the world was in your hands, how woukd you save it? Well, it's time to find out, what kind of spy are you?

Created by: Angelica Munro

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's the first thing you do in the morning?
  2. Which Sport Do You Most Enjoy?
  3. What Kind Of Band Do You Listen Too?
  4. Which Of The Following Do You Prefer?
  5. Choose A Colour.
  6. Pick A Number.
  7. Chose A Wepon You Would Prefer.
  8. Chose A Name. *Selective people would reconize them*
  9. Which One Do You Want?
  10. Lastly, Which Word Describes You Best?

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