Which Markiplier ego are you?

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Have you ever wonder wonder which of Markiplier's characters you are? No? TO BAD TAKE MY QUIZ PLEASE GOTOQUIZ IS MAKING ME WRITE TWO PARAGRAPHS TO PUBLISH IT

Also thanks for doing my quiz I appreciate it. That's actually so cool and super sick nasty of you. Sorry if the questions suck that's my bad I don't know what I'm doing

Created by: puff
  1. Simple enough, what's your favorite color
  2. A totally not lore related hypothetical question; your partner in marriage cheats on you with your best friend. What do you do?
  3. Dream Job?
  4. What's the meaning of life to you?
  5. Out of all of these, what's the top thing on your bucket list?
  6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  7. How do you handle criticism?
  8. Comfort food?
  9. You're isolated in a white room by yourself, what are you doing?
  10. How would others describe you?
  11. You're going to a house party, what are you wearing?

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Quiz topic: Which Markiplier ego am I?
