Which MHA Boy Would Date YOU?

I made another quiz for Tamaki since he's my princess, you might see it if you search for "Would Tamaki Amajiki Date YOU?" I didn't make it easy for you to get Ojiro since he's pretty basic.

I hope you enjoy this silly little quiz that I made during class instead of my schoolwork (I didn't get caught). I didn't really like the other quizzes people made, so I decided to make one myself. I took one from 2020, they used "poggers" while writing it.

Created by: Sammy
  1. You enter your new classroom, and decide to sit next to a guy, who do you choose?
  2. In a relationship, what do you look for?
  3. What do you expect for Valentines day?
  4. It's Christmas! You decided to go Secret Santa with a bunch of people in your school, what do you get?
  5. What do you want your future partner to be like?
  6. Pick a cute little thing that they do.
  7. When do they spend time with you?
  8. How often do you go outside?
  9. Pick a group of colors (Whichever one has the most you'd like)
  10. What's a skill you'd want him to have?

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